Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us

The required minimum order quantity (MOQ) of a production run is typically 300-500 pieces, depending on the design and your budget. This means that it is possible to start a microbrand with just 300 units and continue the growth momentum with the same design model or a new model. A bulk order of 300 units is your ticket to a faster launch, as it requires minimal investment and can allow you to scale up production or even create new models.

A good quality watch with a decent design can cost somewhere between $30 and $60 USD, depending on the materials, specifications, and other factors like complexity of the design. The higher the specifications of a watch, the more expensive it will become. We will work with you to determine the specifications and design of your watch to ensure that it is feasible within your budget.

Our payment terms are simple and standard. 50% deposit is required for prototype development orders. 30% deposit is required for mass production orders. Balance payments must be paid in full before delivery. All payments are paid in US dollars through bank transfers.

We generally accept bank transfers for all production orders, but small payments may also be made through PayPal with a fee.

ou can use either your own freight forwarders or any logistics agents or ours to help with the shipping process. Keep in mind that shipping costs and taxes imposed by your country are your responsibility. No matter what your preference is, many logistics agents can help streamline the shipping process and offer a wide range of services such as door-to-door service, customs clearance, cargo insurance, and more.

No, we do not manufacture our watch components in-house. Rather, we partner with various component suppliers to supply for our needs. These suppliers are the specialists in their area and able to produce according to specifications. Since a watch involves many different components and processes as well as specialist machinery, we prefer to focus on our core competencies, such as design, assembly, quality control, customer service, etc. Whatever needs to be professionally done is left to those specialists of the component. However, we do procure the more critical parts ourselves to ensure the quality and hence the success of your brand. They are watch movements and bands, because oftentimes these are the two parts that both brands and consumers are most concerned about. They can make or break a deal, if not the brand. Therefore, virtually all our components are produced and supplied by our strategic component partners. After receiving the components from them, we perform our standard quality check procedures to ensure they are made according to specifications and of high quality. If all components pass our quality checks, we assemble them.

(There are some brands who do choose to assemble their watches on their own domestically or in Switzerland in order to maintain the quality and perception of their brand. If this describes your situation, we can provide and ship all parts and components required for their own assembly.)

Our production lead time for orders varies depending on design complexity, order quantity, and the approval process. For a standard MOQ of 300-500 units, our production lead time is 75±5 days from the date all design and technical details are approved and confirmed. For prototype development, it is generally 70±5 days (from the date all design and technical details are approved and confirmed). Sometimes customers need to wait longer due to quality assurance tests or quality fine-tuning processes. Our priority is to ensure you receive top-notch quality instead of rushing for delivery.

Yes, we have a standard one-year warranty against manufacturing defects. If there is a manufacturing defect with the watches, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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